Tun Sakaran Marine Park (TSMP) are situated at the entrance to Darvel Bay, off the East coast of Sabah near the town of Semporna, it took about 45 minutes by speed boat from the jetty of this small town. Named after then the Head of State of Sabah, Tun Sakaran Dandai, it was gazetted in July 2004 as Sabah’s seventh park. The Park is the largest Marine Park and covering 340 sq kilometers of sea and corals reef and 10 sq kilometers of land.
Comprising 8 islands, their surrounding reefs, and sea. Its main objective is to protect their environment and to promote sustainable use of natural resources. Geologically, the islands are formed from Quaternary pyroclastic material, which was ejected during explosive volcanic activity. Pulau Bodgaya, Boheydulang, Tetagan, Selakan, Sebangkat, Maiga, Sibuan and Mantabuan
The Bajau Laut (Sea Gypsies) lived a nomad lifestyle on boats adding to the uniqueness of the Park.
Tun Sakaran Marine Park, Semporna
# | Particulars | 18 Years & Above | 17 Years & Below | Remarks |
01 | Conservation Fee (Malaysian) | RM 8 /person/day | RM 5 /person/day | 12 years and below, 60 years above & person with disability : Free of charge |
02 | Conservation Fee (International) | RM 20 /person/day | RM 2/person/day | -- |
Bohey Dulang Climbing Fee
# | Particulars | 18 Years & Above | 17 Years & Below | Remarks |
01 | International | RM 20 /person/day | RM 10 /person/day | 12 years and below, 60 years above & person with disability : Free of charge |
02 | International | RM 50 /person/day | RM 30/person/day | -- |
*Mountain Guide : RM 50 /climb/6 persons
Scuba Diving Fee
# | Category | New Fee |
01 | Malaysian | RM 100 |
02 | International | RM 150 |